The Chemical Supply Chain and Emergency Response (PSX 2020 On Demand)
The chemical supply chain is often complicated, potentially combining raw material suppliers, intermediate manufacturers, finished product manufacturers, downstream users, shippers, transporters, drivers, port managers, members of the public, and disposal or recycling organisations--not an exhaustive list--from start to finish. Chemical supply and transport regulations place obligations on each of these as the materials flow from place to place, and owner to owner. In the event of an emergency, however, the 'legal owner' is not always important. Depending on who is involved, the organisation best placed to support, or more readily identifiable, is often the first point of contact. This can impact the risk each organisation is exposed to, ether from a litigation or reputation perspective. This presentation will map out a typical chemical supply process, and investigate the different types of incidents that can take place throughout the products' journey, who is likely to receive the call, what support they'd be expected to provide, and what considerations need to be taken from all parties perspectives.

Presenter(s): Craig Thomson, NCEC, Part of Ricardo
Presentation Date: 9/16/2020
Contact Hours: 1.0

$25 Members | $35 Regular

Your Price: $35.00

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